Closing of the exclusive exhibition of Sake Ware @ UNEARTHED GALLERY
SAKE WARE: Exhibition Closing with Genki Kimura of Honda Brewery and Sake Bar Saturday, November 2, 2024 5:00 PM 9:00 PM UNEARTHED Gallery (map) You’re Invited to an Exclusive Closing Event of our Sake Ware exhibition. Date: Saturday, November 2, 2024 Time: 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM Join us for an unforgettable evening celebrating the closing of our latest exhibition. Immerse yourself in a unique journey through the art of sake blending, guided by Genki Kimura of Honda Brewery (Himeji, Japan). Discover the nuances and craft of this time-honored tradition, as Genki shares insights into the delicate balance of flavors that make sake so distinct. (Blending and tastings sets will be available for purchase at the bar) The evening will also feature a curated Sake Bar experience by Kai Dräger of aged-sake.de, showcasing an array of aged and specialty sakes to elevate your palate and deepen your appreciation for this Japanese cultural gem. Don’t miss this chance to savor, learn, and connect. This will also be the last chance to see the exclusive collection by well known Japanese potters: ISHIDA Kazuya (Bizen, Okayama) KANAMOTO Takuya (Nara) MATSUMOTO Haruyuki (Shiga) SAKAKURA Masahiro (Nagato, Yamaguchi) YANASHITA Hideki (Iga, Mie) (details about all artists will be published shortly)
Umbuchung & Kündigung
Events können bis maximal 120 Stunden vor Beginn online oder per schriftlicher Mitteilung an info@aged-sake.de ohne Kosten storniert werden und die gezahlte Eintrittsgebühr wird zurückerstattet, abzüglich einer Bearbeitungsgebühr von 5 Euro. Danach ist eine Stornierung nicht mehr möglich. Gebuchte Plätze können anderen Personen weitergegeben werden, wir bitte dann um Mitteilung der Namensänderungen. Events can be canceled online or in writing to info@aged-sake.de free of charge up to 120 hours before the start of the event and the admission fee paid will be refunded, minus a processing fee of 5 euros. Cancellation after this time is no longer possible. Booked seats can be passed on to other people, please inform us of any name changes. イベントのキャンセルは、イベント開始の120時間前まで、オンラインまたは書面(info@aged-sake.de)にて無料で承り、お支払いいただいた入場料から手数料5ユーロを差し引いた金額を返金いたします。それ以降のキャンセルはできません。ご予約いただいたお席は他の方にお譲りすることができますので、お名前の変更がある場合はお知らせください。
Gabelsbergerstraße 83, 80333 München, Germany